St Mary's

Staying Safe at St Mary's

Your child's safety is our first priority here at St Mary's. Great emphasis is placed on Safeguarding children's wellbeing and helping them to understand how to keep themselves safe both in school and out.

Our "Policies" section details our policies and procedures with regard to aspects such as bullying, health and safety and internet safety. Please take a look. If you have any concerns about your own or any other child's health and wellbeing, please speak to our Designated Senior Person for Child Protection, Miss Barker.


Miss Barker



Important Information for Asthma Sufferers

All parents of registered Asthma sufferers must now provide school with a completed Action Plan for their child, providing full details of their prescribed medication, known triggers for asthma attacks and providing consent that their child may use School's emergency inhalers if necessary. Please follow the link at the end to download the Action Plan for completion. We will accept electronic copies of this form if is received from your known email address.

It is also vital that parents provide school with 2 inhalers and a spacer, if prescribed, all labelled and in date to be kept at school at all times.


School Action Plan for Asthma Sufferers







ChildLine offer a range of information booklets on their website. From keeping your baby safe to encouraging better behaviour, there is a wealth of useful resources available. Click here for more...